We work with you to maximise your fundraising potenial. We supply an information pack. lncluding a race card, a poster and money raising ideas to make your night a success, such as race sponsors, horse ownership, tricasts double card etc.
We will turn up an hour before your evening starts to set up. All you need to provide is a cash float for the
Tote betting (details as per the information pack, sent on order confirmation).
Generally there will be 8 HD races held on British race courses with betting between each race. After each
race the Tote will pay out on the winner. Our compere will fully explain the details on the night
Tote Betting - Our computerised betting system calculates all the pay outs and gives you a summary for
each race detailing the amount raised and paid out. Donations to the charity, club, organisation or good
cause can be 10%, 25%, 33% or 50% of the total betting income with the remainder being paid out in winnings.
We can also provide Karaoke for the end of the evening at no extra cost to keep the fun going on.